You don't think darwinism can/should explain the origin of thought?
Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Calling Cofty and others regarding evolution
by dubstepped inso i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
Coded Logic
No. Of course not. That is very much in the realm of the cognitive sciences. Not in the umbrella of genetic mutations or selections process.Evolution says nothing more about "thought" than it does any other aspect of our physiology - that is to say that it is "useful". Having legs is useful. Feet allows us to get around while foraging for food or running from predators or finding mates - etc. Likewise, the ability to process information is "useful". Creatures that can understand and make sense of their environments have a distinct survival advantage. Other than that - why should evolution explain the "origins" of thought (whatever the hell that means). Evolution may explain "why" we have thought. But it's absurd to think that it should explain what thought is. -
Calling Cofty and others regarding evolution
by dubstepped inso i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
Coded Logic
Sorry you got jumped on there HH and accused of being a Creationist. It seems a lot of people are very testy about evolution on this site.
That being said, I don't understand why you think evolution should explain the origin of thought. I mean atomic theory doesn't explain the origin of protons or electrons. But that doesn't mean the theory is incomplete.
Calling Cofty and others regarding evolution
by dubstepped inso i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
Coded Logic
you can't equate evolution to something like the standard model bc there are so many things about evolution we still don't know because it happened a billion years ago.
Well evolution certainly happened in the past. But it's still going on to this very day. And will continue going on in the future.
Scientific theories explain how things work. To give you an example, we can use the theory of gravity to explain the orbital mechanics of our solar system. But me simply saying, "well we don't know what the solar system looked 4 billion years ago - therefore the theory of gravity is incomplete" - is not a valid premise.
Because scientific theories are not bodies of knowledge. Rather, they are a tool we use to get knowledge. They are a way of thinking. Scientific theories are a way of explaining and making predictions about the phenomenon we observe in our universe.
Or, to put it more concisely - they describe how things happen. And in the case of evolution - it describes the process of speciation through genetic mutation and selection. It describes how species change over time. Not every event along the way.
Calling Cofty and others regarding evolution
by dubstepped inso i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
Coded Logic
We can no more "prove" the theory of evolution than we can "prove" the theory of gravity. Because scientific theories can never be proven - they can only ever be useful. That is to say, the validity of a scientific theory is in its exploratory and predictive abilities. Not it's "proofs".
However, specific inferences from a theory can be factual (demonstrable with measurable accuracy). For example, it is a fact that objects with mass attract to each other. It's also a fact that we share a common ancestor with all other species on this planet.
Coded Logic
Things Nationalism has solved:
- Tribalism: Instead of small bands of blood related people fighting against other small bands of blood related people in battles that are waged purely for genetic reasons - nationalism instead allows individuals unrelated by blood or marriage to live and work together.
- Nomadic Life Style: Instead of having to wander and completely live off the land nationalism allows unrelated people to build civilizations (agriculture, governments, academic institutes, i-phones, etc).
- Ceremony and Identity: Nationalism promotes a sense of community by common practices and beliefs while also providing individuals a clear understanding of their place within their communities and within their broader worlds.
. . .
Nationalism - in and of its self - isn't necessarily a bad thing. And quite often it's pros far outweigh it's cons. However, it can be dangerous when used as an "us vs. them" pretext (which, unfortunately, does happen).
Christian "NO GO" zones in US
by Coded Logic ini can't believe this is taking place in our country!
all across america there are areas where people are trying to enforce christian law!
outsiders are strictly forbidden from entering and they have private security and guards to keep people out.
Coded Logic
You do understand this is satire right?
Royal Australian Commission - Recomendations for Jehovahs Witnesses
by curiousconfused inthe report is finally out.......... ————————.
recommendations to the jehovah’s witness organisation.
recommendation 16.27. the jehovah’s witness organisation should abandon its application of the two-witness rule in cases involving complaints of child sexual abuse.. recommendation 16.28. the jehovah’s witness organisation on should revise its policies so that women are involved in processes related to invesation and determining allegations of child sexual abuse.. recommendation 16.29. the jehovah’s witness organisation should no longer require its members to shun those who disassociate from the organisation in cases where the reason for disassocia on is related to a person being a victim of child sexual abuse..
Coded Logic
I love Dan Savage
Christian "NO GO" zones in US
by Coded Logic ini can't believe this is taking place in our country!
all across america there are areas where people are trying to enforce christian law!
outsiders are strictly forbidden from entering and they have private security and guards to keep people out.
Coded Logic
There's a difference between having a no-go zone which is really just someone's private property, not open to the public, and what becomes a no-go zone because it's an enclave taken over by some group but not really "theirs" - what should be public areas.
Fox News isn't flipping out because Muslims are taking over public property. These right wing nut bags are lighting their hair on fire because Muslims are on private property. They have one standard for Christians and an entirely different standard for Muslims: -
Christian "NO GO" zones in US
by Coded Logic ini can't believe this is taking place in our country!
all across america there are areas where people are trying to enforce christian law!
outsiders are strictly forbidden from entering and they have private security and guards to keep people out.
Coded Logic
I can't believe this is taking place in our country! All across America there are areas where people are trying to enforce Christian Law! Outsiders are strictly forbidden from entering and they have private security and guards to keep people out. This is terrifying!
This one in Southern California has Mormon razor wire
And here - it looks like a radical Christians group is trying to build some kind of prison compound in New York State
We must stop these Christian no go zones from happening otherwise we'll soon all be forced to live under Christian Law and might end up locked up in their jails!!!!!!
Should private citizens be allowed to video record law enforcement?
by Fisherman ini saw an article in the news yesterday that laws are going to be passed subjecting the police to being recorded by anyone while performing their duty or enforcing the law and encourages citizens to sue if they interfere.
some law enforcement agents become angry and confiscate recording devices from people recording them while making an arrest, etc.. it does seem that the work that the police and other government agents do is public and not private or confidential so there should be nothing to hide from the cameras.
on the other hand, how can one distinguish being shot by a camera or by a weapon until one is hit?.
Coded Logic
how can one distinguish being shot by a camera or by a weapon until one is hit?
Are you serious? You really think someone - especially police officers who go through years of training - can't tell the difference between a cell phone and a fire arm? Do you think every time a cop is standing in line at the grocery store and someone pulls out their cell phone the cop instinctively reaches for their gun? Do you think that bank clerks hit their panic button when you pull out your cell phone at the teller window?
What kind of question is this???